E-Visas To Reduction In Gst Rates, 2019 Brought In Some Vital Changes In The Industry
Ministry of Tourism is committed to making policies and programmes for the development and promotion of tourism. This sector has the capacity to boost the economy, foreign exchange earnings and provide a large number of jobs at every level that’s why Ministry of Tourism continuously consults and collaborates with other stakeholders in the sector including various Central Ministries/ agencies, the State Governments/ Union Territory Administrations and the representatives of the private sector. In 2019 Ministry took several steps like reducing E–visa fees, reducing GST rates on hotel room booking, opening 120 new peaks for mountaineering etc. Along with these several steps taken under Swadesh Darshan, PRASHAD Scheme and various other events of Ek Bharat, Shresth Bharat were some of the important highlights for the ministry this year.
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