Sunday, February 23, 2025

In an interview with Travel Heights, Brent Hil-CEO of Tourism Fiji, says, despite the pandemic, Tourism Fiji with the help of our tourism Industry, trade and media partners-continues to promote Fiji as a world-class travel des tination, helping travellers understand the beauty and character of our islands.


The world knows Fijl as a world-class travel destination. Tell us about growth plans on the island post-covid.

Fiji is made up of 333 islands, and here you’ll find some incredible, world class resorts and tourism properties spread across our beautiful crystal-clear waters. There are plans to have some existing resorts expand their room capacities, and new tourism products develop as tourism begins to pick up again in 2022, and we’re excited with

this news.

You have set a target of reaching visitor expenditure of FI$3 billion by the end of the 2024 calendar year. Please share the highlights and how it will be achieved?

Certainly, first and foremost, it’s import ant to note that Tourism Fiji’s Corporate Plan outlines our role in supporting an inclusive economic recovery. It is vital that our people are directly/indirectly benefiting and that our tourism sector creates meaningful employment. We also would like to have a value chain in place which promotes environmental stewardship, connects visitors to our rich culture and delivers value to the custodians of the land and all Fijans While the corporate plan outlines our targets and goals, this pandemic has taught us that the world is unpredict able and, at any moment, so much can change and severely impact our fragile tourism industry. Our plans to reach our goals are dependent on several factors, Including

Read the complete article and many more in Travel Heights August’22 Edition

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